Alta Badia - Dolomites ItalySuedtirol



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Roda dles Saus - Opening of the flavours week

When and where17.03.2024
  • 12:00 PM-04:00 PM

If you are a passionate skier and winter hiker and love Ladin cuisine, then the Roda dles Saus is for you!
Our huts Ütia L'Tamá, Ütia Lé, Ütia Nagler, La Crusc-Santa Croce and Ranch da André invite you during the flavours week to taste traditional Ladin dishes prepared with ingredients from local producers.

But that's not all!
On the occasion of the opening event, each hut will present its special dish during a cooking show, where the chefs will demonstrate how to prepare the delicious Ladin specialities.
Traditional live music will accompany the day and immerse you in a world full of tradition and passion.

Here are the dishes you can taste and the music groups in the single huts:

Ütia Nagler
Furtaies - Typical sweet twisted fritters
With music by: 4a Gsponn

Ütia L'Tamá
Typical pancake with honey from the beekeeper Milio Terza
With music by: Böhmische Badia

Ranch da André
Highlander beef goulash from the own farm with buckwheat polenta and cabbage
With music by: Volxbrass

La Crusc - Santa Croce
Buckwheat ravioli filled with braised beef from the Lüch da Ciampidel farm with a sauce of chanterelle picked by Pia
With music by: Paul y Hilda Schuen

Ütia Lee
Fried grey cheese from the Chi Pra farm in sesame batter with mashed potatoes and caramelised onions
With music by: Arton Duo

Here on the right you can download the complete programme.

During the event photos or video footage may be taken for the purpose of documentation and promotion of the event and the region. The footage may be used and published on websites, on social networks and on media in compliance with the data protection regulations.


Follow the SS244 Val Badia road towards Badia, continue on the San Linert street until you reach the La Crusc 1 chairlift.