Alta Badia Brand
Owner of the website:

© Design, concept, realisation & hosting
Zeppelin Group Ltd.Content and pictures copyright
The content of this website is the exclusive property of the Alta Badia Brand Ltd. Consortium.
Texts by Francesco Ricci:
Baccanti Silvia Bause Tom Blickle Frieder Boer Francine Canzan Elena Corrà Ivo Costa Denis D.G. Bandion Dapoz Carlo Davare Mattia Drei Zinnen Marketing/E. Callierotti Drei Zinnen Marketing/J. Rushforth Erardi Alfred Felgenhauer Marco Fernetti Elisa Filz Alex Finali Paola Foto Riva Frenademetz Karin Gilli Franziska Guadagnini Luca Huber Roman/Europas Wanderdörfer IDM Istitut Ladin Micurà de Rü Mainardi Claudio Meneghel Luca Mint Mediahouse - Leitner Fabian | Moling Alex |
Privacy policy
Protection of your personal data is very important to us. Hence, we process your data only pursuant to the legal provisions as amended (GDPR 679/2016; TKG of 2003) and under consideration of necessary technical and organisational measures concerning security of your data, but also regarding the state of the art, the type of data and the risks to which it is exposed.
Based on this privacy policy, we provide you with information on the most important data processing aspects.
The content of our pages has been carefully checked. However, we do not assume any liability concerning the accuracy, completeness and up-to-dateness of the information. No liability for any damage arising from the use of information provided on these pages can be recognized to the authors of the texts.
Mandatory information according to the EU-Regulation N. 524/2013 of the European Parliament and Council. Platform for online dispute resolution for consumer disputes (ODR) to the European Commission:
We welcome links to this website provided these are external links and complete pages (incl. navigation frame) are displayed. It is not permitted to copy the main window into a frame of the link setter. Links to external sites are merely pointers to these pages; they are therefore regularly displayed via external link in a separate browser window. The publisher does not endorse the content of the linked pages and does not accept liability for their content. If one of the linked sites should happen to contain questionable content, we would ask for notification and the link will be deleted immediately.
Public contributions
In accordance with Law no. 124/2017 we confirm that the Alta Badia Tourism Cooperative received the public contributions mentioned below: