The Guardians of the Mountain: Custodians of a precious responsibility
When we talk about sustainability, we use Ladin terms such as 'Amur' (love), 'Teritore' (land), 'Insegnamënt' (education), 'Respet' (respect) and 'Ambiënt' (environment). These words do not need translation, but rather concrete, even if small actions.
It is from this deep sense of responsibility that ATIRA was born: a series of meetings and hikes that take place every Monday in our mountains to raise awareness among locals and visitors about issues crucial to sustainable territorial development and important for the community.
With ATIRA you become the guardian of the Dolomites: accompanied by our experts, you will not only learn fascinating facts about the mountains, but also how you can actively contribute to protecting our area.
It's an opportunity to connect with nature, the Dolomite nature, which is everyone's heritage and thus requires everyone's respect.
Experience ATIRA up close
Roland - Forest ranger and nature enthusiast
The bark beetle, a tree-eating insect
Andrea - Mycologist and hiking guide
The Forest from the Mushroom's Perspective
Alessia - Hiking guide and ambassador of Alta Badia