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Mostra temporanea "Countdown to Mass Extinction?"
San Martin
Mostra temporanea "Countdown to Mass Extinction?"

La nuova mostra temporanea presso il Museum Ladin si intitola “Countdown to Mass Extinction?”. È dedicata all’estinzione di massa di fine Permiano, avvenuta 252 milioni di anni fa, e al cambiamento climatico attuale.


Ingresso libero.


Durante l’evento possono essere effettuate foto e riprese video per finalità di documentazione e promozione dello stesso e del comprensorio. Le riprese potranno essere utilizzate e pubblicate sui siti web, sui social network e nei media nel rispetto della normativa sulla privacy.

The new special exhibition at the Museum Ladin is titled “Countdown to Mass Extinction?”. It focuses on the End Permian Mass Extinction that occurred 252 million years ago and the current climate change.


Free entry.


During the event photos or video footage may be taken for the purpose of documentation and promotion of the event and the region. The footage may be used and published on websites, on social networks and on media in compliance with the data protection regulations.

Getting there

Follow the SS244 Val Badia road towards Picolin. Continue on road SP29 to San Martin.


In order to encourage sustainable mobility, choose environmentally friendly means of transportation, such as public transport.

Info & contact
Meeting point
Museum Ladin Ciastel de Tor - Str. Tor 65 San Martin
You will be here

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